Captain SP Log:

Date: 2021.05.31
Time: 08:51
Mood: DF53 is Over!

Man, a ninja is so beat!  Design Festa 53 was a great experience!


Date: 2021.05.11

Time: 20:28
Mood: Universe 1, Ninjaman 0

Today was tuff.  We had to cut our losses and take it back to the lab but things will get better.  But at least we finished the store bio.  Thanx 

Ninjamangame.  What is it?  Is it a game? Is it a cartoon? Is it music? Is it a meme? Is it art?  The short answer is that Ninjaman is where ever, whatever and whoever you want Ninjaman to be because Ninjaman is too real! 

NINJAMAN GAMEって何?ゲーム?カートゥーン?音楽?ミーム?アート?決めるのは君次第!神出鬼没,変幻自在でどこにでも颯爽と現れるそれがNINJAMAN だ!

Date: 2021.05.10
Time: 15:18
Mood: Ok, so damn that video uplink!

Well, we tried to find a work around using an .APNG file to play videos on the NIT page but that was a bust.  I'm pretty sure that we have to pay for that feature but for now the store is open at least for people to check out!  

Date: 2021.05.09 
Time: 06:18
Mood: It's early and I'm super disgruntle!

I really hate coding. Alright, It's mostly my own fault because I can't type but I'm gonna get the damn video page to work by the end of next week!  I mean I got the sprite above to work so hopefully it won't too hard. . . Hopefully.

Oh I almost forgot! Happy Mom Day!

Date: 2021.05.08 

Time: 02:17
Mood: It's late but I'm having fun!

I really like making websites but I can't code to save my life. Hopefully, I'll get better at it.